Your support and enthusiasm, combined with the stellar weather, sold-out crowd and great music, created an energy and vibe at the festival that was palpable. Those that participated in the 2015 festival know why Blues & Brews is renowned as one of the most scenic and intimate music festivals in the country. Snow-capped 13,000 foot peaks and bright sunny days made this three day celebration truly grand. The blues, rock, gospel, soul and comedy touched the musical nerve of every person in attendance. 56 breweries and over 170 styles of hand-crafted beers just complimented an already amazing weekend.

The addition of ZZ TopSharon Jones and Gregg Allman to the already impressive list of past performers helped seal the deal that we are in fact one of the most scenic and intimate music festivals in the country. To that, we would like to raise a glass and express our gratitude for your part of the magic. We look forward to sharing the music with you in 2016.

Be sure to save the date for the 23rd annual Telluride Blues & Brews Festival taking place, September 16 - 18th. Tickets will go on sale March 1st, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. (MST). Click here and bookmark the page to purchase tickets this spring!

For news, contests, lineup, and ticket updates be sure to sign up for our newsletter here.

Patrick Shehan2016